About LED Light Therapy
With a variety of different LED concentrations and colours, this technique treats acne, reduces inflammation, and encourages a more youthful appearance.
Parramatta LED Light therapy can also provide a smoother complexion and reduce the appearance of damage from age spots, acne and wrinkles, by increasing collagen stimulation in your skin.
Red LED Light Therapy
Mainly treats epidermis (outer skin layer) to stimulate collagen proteins to reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Red light also reduces inflammation and improves circulation for a healthier glow.
Blue LED Light Therapy
Blue light works to lessen the activity of the oil glands to reduce acne breakouts, as well as breakdown bacteria underneath the skin that may cause acne pimples, including cysts and nodules.
Yellow LED Light Therapy
Yellow light helps in healing, skin rejuvenation and the reduction of redness in the skin.
Yellow light is highly recommended post Cosmetic Injection procedures to reduce likelihood and appearance of swelling and bruising, microdermabrasion and skin needling.